It's Only My Opinion

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Survivor Predictions, Round Two

So, week two of survivor predictions. I didn't do so well last week. All four of the people I thought would go on the same tribe and none of them went. Well, the odds aren't perfect.

Let's see, who do I think will go this week?

La Minta: Ruth-Marie. I'm honestly not sure who will go if La Minta loses immunity, but Ruth-Marie seems to be the odd one out, so I'll pick her.

Cassaya: Cirie. Yes, I picked Cirie last week, but I'll pick her again. Assuming the alliance of four holds up, she seems pretty obvious.

There you go, my predictions, either Ruth-Marie or Cirie making it 3/3 of the older women's tribe.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Survivor Predictions

I've decided to try my hand at Survivor predictions... I, unlike the great folks at Reality News Online, actually need to watch the episode before I can make predictions, because otherwise they'd suck even more than they're going to.

So, who's going to go in episode two? I'll make a prediction by each tribe--now I know it looks like there'll be another merge, but I figure one of these four'll go either way.

Older Women- Cirie. Of course, I would have voted her off week, but who am I to judge? Still, I think, this week she'll finally irriate them enough. Besides, I see Ruth-Marie and Melinda bonding more.

Older Men- Shane. Because people going through nicotine withdrawl are nasty, besides I don't really think he fits well with the other guys.

Younger Women- Courtney. Because she's weird. I think that'll be enough to get her voted out. It seems already that Sally seemed a little irritated by her and I just see Misty fitting in better.

Young Men- Aras. Again, because he's weird. At this stage that should be enough to get you booted.

I'm pretty confident that it'll be one of those four going home. Of course, I would have also said that Tina would have been stickign around for a while, so...